Thursday, January 5, 2012

Papercute! First post~

Hello!! Happy belated new year! I'm finished with fall semester and on to a new one! It's been quite a while! I've been busy with work and crafting and moving so I haven't had time to really post.

Anywho just making my first official Papercute post today! And since it's today, I'll do my best to make Thursdays a day to post Papercute related things!

Papercute is an accessory line I started May 2010. It's a line that focuses a lot on origami jewelry. I do my best to make the best quality in all my work and not one piece is the same. I know that there are a lot of other origami jewelry designers out there as well, but I try to make my stuff very wearable and cute for everyone to enjoy!

A little history of Papercute...I started in May 2010 making tiny crane earrings for me and my sister...then it was to my coworkers..and then in February 2011 I started an Etsy. I don't really socialize quite a lot online since I don't have that much time, so networking and advertising was hard for me. I was a little unmotivated most of 2011 until one of my friend's mother-in-law was interested in selling my jewelry on consignment! It was really exciting! I made a lot and experienced a little bit of how consignments work! Then...shortly after my birthday my friend introduced me to a small consignment shop in my home called The Onion Tree and I hit off very well with the owner and started selling my things there as well! Business picked up very fast! Soon, by the end of December, I participated in a winter bazaar with my crafty friend and we sold our jewelry along with other very talented local artists!

Unfortunately, The Onion Tree is closing in less than two weeks due to the increase in rent and other things I presume, but it won't stop me from continuing to do what I love to do!

Here are some that I recently dropped off at The Onion Tree!
My crane earrings are what started it all!! Now I'm making all sorts of earrings!

Thanks for reading!


  1. aww.... they are adorable!!!


  2. I love the crane earrings that I own that you made! I am glad they sold well at the store, but tis a shame the store is closing :(
    Hopefully you can find more places that you can sell them in!

